Iris Field in Bloom
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Iris Terminology

Iris Terminology
AMOENA - white standards colored falls (REVERSE AMOENA is the opposite)
BEARD - fuzzy attachment at the base of each falls petal
BICOLOR - standards are a different color from the falls
BITONE - standards and falls are different shade of the same color; falls are usually darker shade
BLEND - combination of two or more colors smoothly or unevenly mixed
CAPARNE WALCH MEDAL - award for Miniature Dwarf Bearded iris - 1 award per year
COOK-DOUGLAS MEDAL - award for Standard Dwarf Bearded iris - 1 award per year
DYKE'S MEDAL - the highest award for iris, any class can win this award - 1 award per year
FALLS - the lower three petals of the iris bloom
FLOUNCES - appendages extending from the tip of the beard - appear like little petals
HAFTS - the top part of the falls near the center where the falls connect to the stem
HORNS - an extension of the beard turned upward like spikes and disconnected from the falls
KNOWLTON MEDAL - award for Border Bearded iris - 1 award per year
LUMINATA - style arms and hafts are white or yellow, the remainder of the flower is washed with color
MEDIAN - includes iris in the following classes: Border Bearded, Intermediate Bearded, Miniature Tall Bearded, or Standard Dwarf Bearded
NEGLECTA - blue or purple bitones, standards are the lighter tone
PLICATA - stippled, dotted, or stiched margin colors on falls of a lighter color
REBLOOMER - an iris that blooms in any other season than after normal spring bloom, usually summer or fall
SASS MEDAL - award for Intermediate Bearded iris - 1 award per year
SELF - standards and falls are the same color
SIGNAL - a patch of contrasting color surround the beard, often white or yellow
SPOONS - appendages extending from the tip of the beard like spoons
STANDARDS - the three upper petals of the iris bloom - they stand erect
STYLE ARMS - the small stiff portions of the bloom extending over the beard
VARIEGATA - yellow or near-yellow standards with darker falls of brown or purple
WALTHER CUP - award for iris receiving the most Honorable Mention votes - 1 award per year
WILLIAMSON-WHITE MEDAL - award for Miniature Tall Bearded iris - 1 award per year
WISTER MEDAL - award for Tall Bearded Iris - 3 awards per year

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