Iris Field in Bloom
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(Coleman 2013) Sdlg. 07 SDB M-15 A. SDB, 10.5-13" (26-33 cm), E.

We've trialed this sharp-looking SDB for the last several years, reveling in its inundating clump effect at peak flowering.  Though we aspire to wider form in her future crosses, there's no denying that this little iris has the spunk and panache to make an outstanding garden specimen in any garden.  It's vigor is impressive and reminds us that only the best clumping, most floriferous SDBs are worthy of any of our time in the garden.

Official description:

Standards pale-green yellow, midrib dark purple; style arms page green-yellow, brilliant blue-purple midrib, edge pale purple with small very pale purple eyelash lines above stigmatic lip; Falls strong purple with dark purple thumbprint around beard, pale green-yellow small front edge; beard base mid-orange in throat and middle, brilliant blue-purple at end; purple base foliage; 
slight sweet fragrance.

Parentage: Dewey Fresh X 03 MDB/SDB H-15 A: (Millennium Bug X 00 SDB E-6: (James Bond X Unknown).
